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Chinese Drywall Contaminates Georgia Homes

In 2006, over 300 million pounds of Chinese drywall was imported into Florida. Much of that drywall turned out to be defective (nobody knows just how much, for sure), and now it’s causing serious problems for homeowners in several states, including Georgia. In a new wave of “sick building syndrome,” the toxic drywall is causing illness and damaging homes.

Over the past several months, owners of newer homes with Chinese drywall have been complaining about a rotten egg odor. Some people have had to leave their homes because the odor is so overpowering.

That rotten egg odor, it turns out, is coming sulfide gases being emitted by the Chinese drywall. These gases – carbon disulfide, carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide and hydrogen sulfide – are damaging people’s homes and health.

The sulfide gases create a highly corrosive atmosphere, and they have been destroying electrical systems, HVAC systems, and exposed metals. The gases accelerate the corrosion of air conditioner and refrigerator coils, kitchen appliances, electrical wiring, electronic devices, plumbing, faucets, and metal surfaces, causing the metal to turn black and break down.

Furthermore, long-term exposure to low levels of sulfide gases has been linked to several health conditions including fatigue, headaches, irritability, dizziness, poor memory, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders. Most contaminated homes are in Florida, where public health officials have received over 50 related health complaints in recent months.

In southern states like Georgia and Florida, warm, humid environments cause the drywall to emit even more toxic gases. If you live in a home that has been built since 2004, and if you smell a rotten egg odor this summer, you should be concerned that your home may contain toxic drywall.

Signs That Your Home May Be Contaminated with Toxic Chinese Drywall:

– A persistent “rotten egg” odor
– Recurrent respiratory problems
– Eye irritation
– Frequent nose bleeds
– Persistent headaches
– Corroded wiring
– Corroded pipes
– Electrical problems
– Problems with air conditioning or refrigerator
– Corroded silver jewelry or utensils

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed Chinese drywall is causing problems. Dawn Harris-Young of EPA’s Region 4 in Atlanta said, “It is the drywall, and from what I gather, it is causing a problem with copper and, specifically, air conditioning units.”
The corrosive atmosphere created by the defective Chinese drywall requires immediate attention. If you suspect that your home contains toxic drywall, contact MLN Law today at (404) 531-9700.

We can help you:

– Schedule a scientific investigation of your drywall.
– Determine the extent of contamination and damage.
– Find out who’s responsible for the damage.
– Review your legal options and possible insurance claim options.
– Receive recovery so that you can rebuild your damaged home.

If your home contains defective Chinese drywall, your home builder may try to cover up or downplay the problem. Contact MLN Law before speaking to anyone else about the issue. We will see to it that you get the compensation you deserve so you can breathe easy once again. To schedule your free consultation, call MLN Law at (404) 531-9700.
